Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Good job making it through the end of 2024!
We began the episode talking about the kids’ adventures in basketball and swimming. And then we spoke a little more with Paul Golin, Executive Director of the Society for Humanistic Judaism about my secular Judaism crisis. And finally, we discussed our interview on One Bad Mother, Biz asking if we have any fun, and all the things we think are super enjoyable about skeptical parenting – including storytelling, and how this all relates to Christmas and The Christmas Carol…and snails. I swear it hangs together a bit more than it seems in the description.
And did you catch the Scrooged quote at the end? I swear I did not manufacture that moment. We quote that film all the time, all year long.
Now the links:
- Paul Golin
- The Society for Humanistic Judaism
- SHJ Congregations, Communities and Havurot
- Care and Feeding Podcast – How Do I Raise Jewish Kids Right Now?
- Our Interview on One Bad Mother
- Forrest Valkai
- Volcano Snails
- Wings of Fire
- Albert Finney Scrooge
- Scrooged
- How The Christmas Carol changed Christmas