Do one topic I thought. Make it short and easy I thought. Annnndddd… cue the Divine Mocker (who definitely doesn’t exist, but when things go off the rails it makes me happy to think about someone getting joy from my situation). We started this episode talking about how our move has shown us just how adaptable the kids can be while at the same time being perfectly themselves. And then we discuss an episode of the Truth. Love. Parent. Podcast that talks about the “lies” of the developmental stages. I don’t think I’ve ever spent so long editing a segment. But there was a lot to discuss. And I had to phone a friend just to get a good read on why someone deeply religious would even care about the developmental stages one way or another.
Now to links:
- Creator Accountability Network
- Truth. Love. Parent. – The Truth and Lies of Developmental Stages
- And I think these are the two The Thinking Atheist episodes that discuss if the human eye is actually well designed – I Was the Intelligent Designer: Part One and Part Two. (And if they aren’t – it’s Seth Andrews and it’s going to be great regardless.)
- Here is Dan McClellan’s video on the study about how much people read the bible.
- Here’s more on Erikson’s theory of development.