We’re back – again with questionable audio issues. If my computer noises are too much for you, skip to the 31:00 mark because they basically resolve in the last topic. We begin the episode by talking about how we choose movies for the boys and use Common Sense Media – probably not as it’s intended. Then we briefly return to the topic of posting the 10 Commandments in public schools. And we finish up discussing Oklahoma and Ohio who are both trying to get in on the “let’s-shoehorn-religion-into-the-public-schools” bandwagon. Guess what – it’s all gross.
Now to links:
- Common Sense Media.
- Some Kind of Wonderful is the John Hughes movie that you probably haven’t seen but should. Two words: Elias Koteas.
- And if you haven’t dug into David Cronenberg’s back catalog – what are you doing with your life?
- Code of Hammurabi.
- Oklahoma’s plan to make all schools teach the bible might not be working out as planned actually.
- And here’s the law that Ohio is trying to pass to allow children to leave school for religious education during the school day.
- And to end on something happy: Camp Quest.